Possible complaints

It is impossible to enumerate all the possible complaints which can arise as a consequence of a torsion or a  whiplash as they may also play a role as a co-factor. Nonetheless, hereby we make an attempt to list a lot of them.

  • A burning sensation or nerve pains or stiffness in the neck, back and /or shoulders;
  • A creaking neck when moving;
  • The head is too heavy;
  • Headache starting in the neck;
  • Migraine;
  • Facial pain;
  • Difficulty swallowing;
  • Teeth grinding;
  • Dubbel and/or blurred vision;
  • Letters dancing in front of the eyes when reading;
  • A markedly quick deterioration of the eyesight;
  • Pupils dilating fast (or one pupil bigger than the other);
  • Not being able to cope with bright light or flashing light (need for sunglasses);
  • Balance issues;
  • Ringing in the ears; hearing loss;
  • Hypersensitivity to hard or scratching noises;
  • Irregular heartbeat;
  • Blood pressure problems;
  • Tired legs;
  • Problems climbing stairs;
  • Sleepy feeling in arms and legs;
  • Muscle spasms or nerve pains in fingers and toes;
  • Weakness in arms or legs;
  • Cold hands and/or feet;
  • Quickly being out of breath/short of breath;
  • Hyperventilation complaints/asthmatic breathing;
  • Memory problems;
  • Increasing general tiredness without clear reason;
  • Problems concentrating/forgetfulness;
  • Incapacity or difficulty mulitasking;
  • Stuttering;
  • Losing the thread when reading or talking;
  • Handwriting changes;
  • Dyslexing expressions;
  • Orientation problems (for instance in traffic);
  • Delayed or faulty reaction/reduced overview (for instance in traffic);
  • Coordination disorders;
  • Impotence;
  • Increasing menstrual pain/disturbed cycle;
  • KISS syndrome in babies;
  • Last but not least: The psychological impact, such as anxieties / passivity / increasing insecurity / little resilience / irritation / little need for physical contact / reduced sexual need / negative attitude / internal unrest / loss of internal guidance / despondent and desperate feeling / hypersensitive to all kinds of influences etc, etc;